February 9, 2009


Hey y'all!

Sharon-Marie here, writing to you from the Beautiful Wild, Wild West ~ specifically, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

I know what some of y'all are probably  thinking  . . . Didn't she just move from there about a year ago?  Good question!  And yes, I did; such move taking place in September of '07.  They say that Jackson gets into a person's blood.  It sure did with me.

Last June ('08), I flew back to Jackson for a visit.  I reconnected with friends, got reacquainted with those majestic slabs of granite otherwise known as The Grand Tetons, drank my visual fill of awesome wildlife and beautiful scenery, hiked some, played some, thought some and just generally had a blast.

I was there for a month; and before my visit was even over, I knew that I absolutely had to move back.  And, move back I did . . . this past November, in fact.

And what a flurry of activity it's been these past 3 months!

In December, I flew to San Francisco to participate in an intensive two-week training at ITMI (International Tour Management Institute).  The result of which is that I am now a certified, professional Tour Director.  I am very excited about this new career!  I've always wanted to travel to near and distant lands; and now I've been given a great way in which to do this.

In January, I flew to San Marcos to attend a 4-day symposium between tour directors and tour operators.  I'm very glad I went, and I feel I gained quite a bit of valuable information from the symposium.  I was also able to more precisely define how I want to utilize being a tour director.

During these past couple of weeks since I returned from Texas, I have been researching tour companies, creating various websites and just generally attempting to get all my ducks to line up in a neat, little row.  My ducks, however, balk at neat, little rows being thrust upon them.  That's ok . . . it keeps life interesting. 

To all my friends who have, at times, been exasperated with me over the past few years for my lack of communication, I truly and humbly apologize.  I'm working on improving that aspect of me, and I'm hoping that this blog will help in that area.

Please let people know about "Dancing With Moose."  It's opened to everyone who is interested in reading it.

May Our Lord abundantly bless each of y'all.
HIS Peace and HIS Joy,


BeckeyZ said...

Yay! Sharon-Marie joined the bloggy world! I shall add your blog to my blogroll so I will be sure to see when you've posted something new.

(deleted) said...

You may inspire me to actually do something with my blog, recently deleted of old posts.

Actually, I just subscribed because I like to hear you say "neither".

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading kyour blog. Hope yo will keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Eagerly awaiting new blogs from you!

Jan Brunk said...

You are too kind. God is gracious, he gives us friend that make us laugh. I have been blessed by your wit and your friendship! Your partner in crime or was it in craziness.